Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Avoid Skiing & Snowboarding Injuries!

Skiing & snowboarding are fun and exciting sports, but keep in mind there are risks involved in both sports. Its no fun coming home from a snowboarding or skiing vacation with a leg or wrist in a cast. There are helpful tips you should remember to cut down the possibility of a skiing or snowboarding injuries.

First off make certain you're in good physical shape to for skiing or snowboarding. Plan your trip with training designed to provide basic stability and muscle strength. Your stamina and leg strength is most important to help you in preventing serious injury.

Dress in warm clothing, that won't hamper your body motion. You want able to move your arms and legs freely. If you are unable to move freely you cannot snowboard or ski properly and the joy of the sport is lost.

Like other sports remember it's important to warm up before and cool down after in order to get your body ready for action on the slopes.

The number one injury that most of the skiers and snowboarders get is wrist injury. Remember falls are frequent during snowboarding and skiing. The normal response to a fall is to reach out with your hand to stop the fall. This movement causes fractures of the wrist and are a relatively common occurrence with more than 100,000 wrist fractures worldwide among skiers and snowboarders in only one year. Skiers and snowboarders should wear wrist protectors as they effectively reduce the incidence of such injuries. Other frequent injuries are head injuries which often lead to concussions. Helmets are a must in reducing the number of minor concussions. Be sure you buy both wrist guards and a helmet when your out shopping for your sports equipment.

Don't cut corners by borrowing equipment from friends.This might save you money at the start, but in the end it could cost you thousands in medical bills. If you are renting equipment make certain you rent from a reliable provider. Take special care to make certain that all equipment is a proper fit. By following these tips you should be able to prevent those painful falls.

Remember to use 'multi-mode' release bindings. The release available in modern bindings is another factor that will help you avoid injuries. Rear release boots may also be of help in preventing risk of injury.

Don't forget to self-test your bindings daily. Self testing is a simple process. Step into the binding and turn to the side to release the toe-piece under the control mechanism. The heel should be tested by stepping into the binding, then lean forward, to release the heel-piece. Toe and heel will release without force when properly adjusted.

For more great skiing and snowboarding tips visit watch some entertaining and informative videos.

GO HERE: Cool Videos

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